George Henry White (1852-1918)
1852 – George Henry White is born in Bladen County, NC, December 18
1857 – GHW’s father, Wiley F. White, marries Mary Anna Spaulding, Columbus County, NC, April 16
1856‒1870 ‒ GHW lives and works in Welches Creek, Columbus County
1869–1870 ‒ GHW attends Freedmen’s school at Rehobeth, Bladen County
1871‒1872 ‒ GHW attends Whitin Academy, Lumberton, NC; graduates 1872
1872–1873 ‒ GHW lives and works in Welches Creek
1874 – GHW enters Howard University, Washington, DC, January 5
1876 – GHW works as assistant-in-charge of U.S. Coast Survey exhibit at U.S. Centennial
Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, May–November
1877 – GHW graduates from Howard University with normal teaching certificate, May
‒ Begins work as principal of New Bern, NC, public school for black pupils, May
1878 ‒ GHW a founding member of Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, New Bern, November 24
1879 – GHW passes North Carolina bar exam, Raleigh, NC, January 6
– GHW marries Fannie B. Randolph, New Bern, February 27
1880 – GHW’s daughter Della Mae White born in New Bern, January
– GHW’s wife Fannie R. White dies, New Bern, September; burial in Greenwood Cemetery
– GHW elected as Republican to N. C. House of Representatives from Craven County, November 2
1881 – GHW sworn in as member of N.C. House of Representatives, January 5; session ends March 1
– GHW becomes superintendent of new State Colored Normal School, New Bern, May
1882 – GHW marries Nancy J. Scott, February, New Bern
‒ GHW’s wife Nancy S. White dies, New Bern, December; burial in Greenwood Cemetery
– GHW defeated as independent Republican for N. C. Senate from Craven County, November 7
1884 – GHW elected as Republican to N. C. Senate from Eighth District (Craven County), November
1885 – GHW sworn in as N.C. senator, January 8; General Assembly session ends March 11
1886 – GHW elected to 4-year term as solicitor, Second Judicial District of North Carolina,
November 2
1887 – GHW marries Cora Lena Cherry of Tarboro, NC, March 16
‒ GHW’s daughter Mary Adelyne (Mamie) White born, New Bern, December 12
1890 – GHW reelected as solicitor for Second Judicial District of North Carolina, November
1890‒1896 ‒ GHW serves as elected grand master of N.C. black Masons
1891 – GHW’s daughter Beatrice Odessa White born, New Bern, August
1892 – GHW’s daughter Beatrice Odessa dies, New Bern, January; burial in Greenwood Cemetery
1893 – GHW’s son George Henry White, Jr., born, New Bern, July 1
– GHW’s father Wiley F. White dies, October; burial in Greenwood Cemetery
1894 – GHW moves residence and family to Tarboro, February
‒ Seeks Republican nomination for Second District Congressional nomination; loses disputed
contest arbitrated by National Republican Party to brother-in-law Henry P. Cheatham,
1896 – GHW nominated by Second District Republicans, North Carolina, for Congress, May
‒ Receives honorary LL.D. from Livingstone College, Salisbury, NC
‒ Receives honorary LL.D. from Biddle University, Charlotte, NC
‒ Selected as at-large delegate from N.C. to Republican nominating convention, Saint Louis, MO
‒ Wins general election, November, defeating Democratic incumbent Rep. Frederick A. Woodard
1897 – GHW sworn in as member of 55th Congress, March 15; delivers first speech to House, March 31
‒ Named honorary trustee of Howard University, Washington, DC
‒ Daughter Della graduates from Scotia Seminary, Concord, NC, May
1898 – GHW proposes death benefit for family of Lake City, SC, postmaster Frazier Baker, April
‒ GHW addresses graduates of Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, AL, May 25
– Receives honorary Master’s degree from Howard University, August
‒ Reelected to Congress from Second District of North Carolina, November 7
‒ “Wilmington massacre” occurs, elected city government overthrown by armed mob, November 9
‒ GHW appeals for federal assistance to African Americans in Wilmington, NC, December
‒ Named to executive committee of National Afro-American Council, Washington, DC, December
1899 – GHW elected chairman of Council of Colored Men of the State, January
‒ 55th Congress adjourns, March
‒ GHW addresses graduates of Hampton Institute, Hampton, VA, June
‒ GHW elected vice president of National Afro-American Council, Chicago, IL, August
‒ GHW sworn in as member of 56th Congress, December
1900 – GHW sponsors anti-lynching bill in U.S. House, January; referred to Judiciary Committee
‒ GHW testifies before the Industrial Commission, Washington, DC, February 8
‒ Elected as Second District delegate (N.C.) to Republican nominating convention, Philadelphia
‒ Receives honorary Ph.D. from Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, May
‒ N.C. voters approve “literacy” amendment to state constitution, August 1
‒ GHW declines Second District nomination for third term in Congress, August
‒ Unsuccessful candidate for president, National Afro-American Council, Indianapolis, IN, August
‒ Reelected vice president of National Afro-American Council, Indianapolis, August
1901 – GHW delivers “farewell address” on floor of U.S. House, January 29
‒ GHW’s term in 56th Congress ends, March 4
‒ GHW establishes law practice in Washington, DC; offices at 609 F Street, NW
‒ Unsuccessful candidate for president, National Afro-American Council, Philadelphia, August
‒ Reelected vice president of National Afro-American Council, Philadelphia, August
‒ Founds George H. White Land & Improvement Company, November, to develop New Jersey
1902 – GHW’s daughter Della marries J. W. Oscar Garrett; resides in Asheville, NC, until 1910
1903 – Town of White, NJ, incorporated in Cape May County; later renamed Whitesboro
1904 ‒ GHW’s daughter Mamie graduates from Manual Training High School, Washington, DC
‒ GHW’s daughter Mamie enters Oberlin Conservatory, Oberlin, OH
‒ GHW enters brickmaking partnership, Cook, Cook, & White, with George F. T. Cook and John
F. Cook, Washington; partnership dissolved 1906
1905 – GHW’s wife Cora C. White, 40, dies, Washington, DC, January 19; burial in Greenwood
Cemetery, New Bern
1906 – GHW moves family to Philadelphia; residence at 1428 Lombard Street
‒ GHW’s son George, Jr., enrolls at Central High School, Philadelphia, September
– GHW moves offices of George H. White Land & Improvement Company to Philadelphia
– GHW serves on negotiating committee with Philadelphia Mayor Thomas Weaver over
cancelling local production of racist play, The Clansman, October
‒ GHW assists Constitution League investigation into Brownsville affray and dismissed soldiers
1907 – Commonwealth of Pennsylvania charters People’s Savings Bank, Philadelphia, September
– GHW’s son George, Jr., enters Downington Industrial School, September
1908 – GHW opens People’s Savings Bank at first location, 1428 Lombard Street, January
‒ Establishes residence, law practice at 1508 Lombard Street, April; bank moves there
‒ GHW’s daughter Mamie graduates from Oberlin Conservatory
‒ George H. White Land & Improvement Company builds first public school in Whitesboro, NJ
1911 – GHW elected president of Howard University alumni association chapter, Philadelphia
– GHW active in management of Acme Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia
‒ GHW’s son George, Jr., graduates from Lincoln University, PA
1912 – GHW unsuccessful candidate for Republican nomination for Congress, Pennsylvania’s First
District, to fill vacancy created by death of Rep. Henry H. Bingham (R-PA), March 30
¬â€’ GHW’s son George, Jr., enters University of Pennsylvania law school
‒ GHW reelected to presidency of Howard University alumni chapter, Philadelphia
‒ GHW’s stepmother Mary Anna White dies, Washington, DC, July 27; burial location unknown
1913 – GHW named to executive committee of new Philadelphia chapter of National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), January
– GHW suggested by Philadelphia citizens for new judgeship on Court of Common Pleas, April
– GHW represents victims of Egg Harbor Boom Committee land swindle, April
– Speaker at banquet for Booker T. Washington, head of National Negro Business League, April
‒ GHW’s son George, Jr., enters Franklin Backus School of Law, Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH
– GHW serves as board member of Berea Manual Training Institute, Frederick Douglass Hospital
– Serves as director of Home for the Protection of Colored Women, Philadelphia
1915 – GHW’s daughter Mamie weds Arthur H. (“Strut”) Payne in New York; divorced 1918
‒ GHW’s son George, Jr., graduates from Backus School of Law, Western Reserve University
‒ GHW named to Colored Republican Central Committee of Philadelphia, October
‒ GHW marries Mrs. Ellen Avant McDonald, November 11, Philadelphia
1916 – GHW’s daughter Della M. Garrett, 36, dies in Washington, DC, February 4; buried there
– GHW’s granddaughter Fannie Garrett returns to Philadelphia with GHW, February
‒ GHW serves as chairman of board of managers, Southwest YMCA Branch, Philadelphia
‒ GHW named alternate delegate at large (PA), Republican nominating convention, Chicago (June)
1917 – People’s Savings Bank closes for liquidation, February
‒ GHW appointed as assistant city solicitor, Philadelphia, succeeding the late Harry W. Bass,
July 7
1918 – People’s Savings Bank dissolved by Pennsylvania bankruptcy court, April
‒ GHW, 66, dies of natural causes at home, Philadelphia, December 28
– GHW’s funeral service at residence, December 31; burial at Eden Cemetery, Collingdale, PA
1920 – GHW’s half-brother, John W. White, 74, dies in Columbus County, NC; burial at Mitchell Field
‒ GHW’s widow Ellen White moves to Atlantic City, NJ
1927 – GHW’s son George, Jr., 34, dies in Pittsburgh, PA, November 30; burial at Eden Cemetery
By 1930 ‒ GHW’s widow Ellen White marries Edward W. Coston, Atlantic City; death date unknown
After 1931 ‒ GHW’s daughter Mamie moves from Philadelphia to New York City
1974 – GHW’s daughter Mamie, 87, dies in New York City, December 2; burial at Eden Cemetery