George Henry White: The American Phoenix
"This is perhaps the Negroes' temporary farewell to the American Congress, but let me say, Phoenix-like he will rise up some day and come again. These parting words are in behalf of an outraged, heart-broken, bruised and bleeding, but God-fearing people; faithful, industrious, loyal, rising people – full of potential force."
~George Henry White
In this lesson students examine the life and career of North Carolina native George Henry White, the last African American Congressman of the Jim Crow Era, as well as the reasons for the decline in African American representation in Congress during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through examination of Congressional data from the time period, viewing a documentary, analyzing speech excerpts, class discussion, and more, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the political, cultural and racial realities of the Jim Crow Era. The lesson culminates with an “alternate history” assignment where students are tasked with creating a fictional reelection campaign for White.
Cheatham-White Scholarship
The Cheatham-White Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program for students attending North Carolina Central University and N.C. Agricultural and Technical State University beginning Fall 2018. This program was designed to provide an outstanding educational experience for exceptional scholars with a wide range of interests, proficient in areas of both the arts and sciences, demonstrate leadership potential and a strong commitment to service.
This is a fully funded four-year scholarship. The scholarship covers full tuition and fees, housing, meals, textbooks, a laptop, travel and personal expenses. Each scholarship also provides four summers of fully funded enrichment and networking opportunities that may include international travel and study. Applicants do not have to be residents of North Carolina.
Learn more -
Greensboro.com - New Full Ride Scholarship Coming to NCAT
University of North Carolina - Cheatham-White Scholarship Program Established at NCCU and NC A&T
School Nomination of Candidates
All North Carolina high schools are eligible to nominate students to be considered as a candidate(s) for the
Cheatham-White Scholarship. For purposes of this section, a high school includes a public school under the
direction of a local board of education, a charter school, a regional school, a high school operated as part of The University of North Carolina, a school operated by the Department of Health and Human Services, a school operated by the State Board of Education, or a nonpublic school regulated under Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes.
The number of nominees from each school is determined by the size of the senior class as follows:
1) Up to 199 seniors ................................................................... 2 nominees.
2) 200-399 seniors .................................................................... 3 nominees.
3) 400-499 seniors .................................................................... 4 nominees.
4) 500 or more seniors .............................................................. 5 nominees.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
To be eligible for nomination as a potential Cheatham-White Scholarship candidate, a person must satisfy all of the following criteria:
Be admitted as a freshman in the fall semester into a baccalaureate program at North Carolina Central University.
Be a United States citizen or permanent resident.
Be on course to graduate from high school in the spring semester prior to college admission.
Minimum 4.0 or higher weighted cumulative GPA.
Have a minimum SAT (Math and Evidence-Based Reading) score of 1280 or a minimum ACT score of 28.
Show exceptional qualities of character and leadership.
Be significantly involved in extracurricular activities.
Demonstrate a strong commitment to service.
Expectations of Recipients
Scholarships will be renewable contingent upon the recipient meeting all of the following criteria:
Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 cumulative annually.
Enroll full time each semester and earn a minimum 30 credit hours each academic year.
Maintain membership and active participation in the University Honors Program
To begin the process; you must be nominated by your High School Guidance Counselor, Principal, Assistant
Principal, Head of School or designee or you may Self Nominate. You are unable to complete an application for the Cheatham-White Scholarship until you have been nominated.
School Endorser Nomination Form: https://www.nccu.edu/scholarships/cheathamwhite/nomination.cfm
Self Nomination Form: https://www.nccu.edu/scholarships/cheathamwhite/selfnomination.cfm
For more information contact Scholarships and Student Aid at 919-530-6520 or scholars@nccu.edu.
Important Dates for 2017-2018
August 15
School Endorsement and Self-Nomination Forms Available
November 1
Deadline for School Endorsers and Self-Nominations
December 1
Application Material Deadline (Cheatham-White application, essay and resume)
December 15
Admissions Application Deadline
(Apply to NCCU with all documents, transcripts and test scores)
Click to apply: http://www.nccu.edu/futurestudents/applynow.cfm
January 5
Nominees Must Be Admitted to NCCU
January 26
Scholar's Day Interview Notification
February 24
Scholar's Day Interviews
March 15
Selection of Finalists